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Welcome to the Hodmedod link archive: 2021

You've probably arrived here from Instagram, Twitter, TikTok or Facebook because you were interested in a link mentioned in a post. You'll find post links listed chronologically below.

Or you might just want to explore our products - our collections of everything and our new products are good starting points. 

For regular news, recipes, offers and more please sign up for our newsletter.

23rd December 2021 | Looking to perk up your sprouts? 
The Cook & Him's recipe for sprouts with walnuts, shallots and camelina seeds is just the trick.

15th December 2021 | Too many mince pies? 
Try these festive Quinoa & Mincemeat Cookies instead.

11th December 2021 | Bean tokens! (Can also be exchanged for peas, lentils, grains, flakes, flour, seaweed...)
Give the choice of our #BritishGrown pulses, grains, seeds & more with a beautifully illustrated #Hodmedod gift voucher from £5 to £100, each with a little extra gift too!

10th December 2021 | The 2022 Landworkers' Alliance Calendar is here! This year the spotlight is on the climate, the theme is Working the Land, Cooling the Planet. The calendar showcases 12 diverse solutions to help us avert catastrophe, and build the world we know is possible. As in previous years there are beautiful prints by Rosanna Morris.

5th December 2021 | Beyond COP26: driving change through beans and more

5th December 2021 | World Soil Day

14th November 2021 | Who knows what the mystery box holds?

13th November 2021 |This year's Wakelyns Agroforestry Squash Recipe Box is now available. Or you could use the recipe that goes with it in combination with our new Wakelyns Squash Selection Box which includes a range of delicious Winter squashes grown by Marion Gaze in the alleys between the agroforestry tree lines.

10th November 2021 | Green Pea Gnocchi with Beans & Greens
Try the recipe and find our Green Pea Flour.

30th October 2021 | New Hemp Seeds and Flours
Browse all our hemp products - whole and shelled seeds, coarse and fine flour, hemp oil and tea. We've several hemp recipes to try too.

24th October 2021 | New Harvest Carlin Peas
Find all our carlin peas - Black Badgers, Red Foxes and convenient cans. We've lots of carlin recipes too.

22nd October 2021 | Gingerbread & Puffed Quinoa Granola

1st October 2021 | Pilau with Switchel & Soda
Jenny Chandler's Roasted Squash With Emmer Wheat & Lentil Pilau makes a perfect dish for early autumn days served with Mother Root's Ginger Switchel & Soda.

9th September 2021 | Oregano from Trenow Fields
This superbly peppery and aromatic oregano is a perfect seasoning for lentil ragu and many other dishes besides.

4th September 2021 | Organic/Sourdough September Give Away
We're giving away some amazing prizes over on Instagram and Facebook - do nip over and enter if you haven't already. And if you're here for a bit more information about what's on offer, there's a fantastic Mockmill 100 - perfect for home milling, but also good for smaller commercial bakers looking to add a little bit of this and that to their bakes. We're also offering some of Vanessa Kimbell's groundbreaking Botanical Blend #2 (Meadow)  AND four of our half kilo packs of organic grains - to get you started with the mill.

Organic September is about "celebrating everything organic and the hard work and dedication that goes into growing and making it work with nature, not against it. The year 2020 has brought huge changes to our world; now, more than ever, we are seeking solutions that help restore nature, health and our climate. The time is now for organic." Hear! Hear!

Sourdough September is when the Real Bread Campaign "goes on a mission to help everyone worldwide to discover that: life’s sweeter with sourdough!"  Launched in 2013, the aims of #SourdoughSeptember are to:

  • Share the delicious delights of genuine sourdough
  • Encourage more people to bake genuine sourdough
  • Create a showcase for small, independent bakeries that bake genuine sourdough
  • Help people to say no to sourfaux and avoid paying a premium for something that simply isn't the real deal
  • Encourage people to join and/or donate to the Real Bread Campaign

29th August 2021 | Seasonal Summer Fruit Clafoutis
Our easy and versatile recipe making the most of seasonal fruit for a superb late summer dessert - or even a whole meal! It's especially lovely made with little yellow mirabelle plums, which have a wonderful honeydew sweetness.

21st August 2021 | Botanical Blend No. 2 - now available freshly milled
Originally available only as a grist for milling, this blend of 14 grains, seeds, pulses and flowers reflects the diversity of crop and wild plants one might find in and by a field. For more on this wonderful blend and how to use it read the free Sourdough School: Botanical Blends information sheet or Vanessa Kimbell's The Sourdough School: Sweet Baking.

19th August 2021 | What are Fava Beans? Aren't they Just Broad Beans
A short introduction to fava beans, why they're not broad beans, and their history.

28th July 2021 | Bred, Grown, Harvested, Milled & Baked @ Wakelyns
Find the Wakelyns YQ Sourdough Tin Loaf in our Bakery collection, alongside our classic Hodmedod and other loaves from Penny Bun Bakehouse.

22nd July 2021 | From the End of the Ley Line
Find our Cornish Marigold Flowers and Herbal Teas from Trenow Fields. Take a look at a few photos from our trip to the end of the ley line.

21st July 2021 | Everyone's talking about falafels
Catch the falafel discussion 5'30" in on Saturday's Kitchen Cabinet. Do try our recipe for Ta'amia or Egyptian-style falafel using our British-grown fava bean chips or split fava.

Egyptian Falafels (or Ta’amia) - made with Split Fava Beans

20th July 2021 | Green Kids Cook
Jenny Chandler's superb new book Green Kids Cook teaches the cooks of the future how to eat well, look after themselves and think about the planet. Try our featured recipe from the book, Syrian Lentils with Slow-Fried Onions, a great way to cook our British-grown lentils.

Green Kids Cook plus free voucher

17th July 2021 | We've been milling!
Find our growing range of cereal flours milled in the Hodmedod Mill House using our beautiful New American Stone Mill. Buy any 6 flours (regardless of size, type or value) and we'll throw in a copy of our beautiful little book Sheaf (see below for book details). No need to add Sheaf to your basket - unless you'd like to buy a copy too. We've plenty of floury recipe inspiration too. (Offer ends at midnight on the 25th July 2021)

2nd July 2021 | Sheaf: Writers in the field
We've published a short collection of writing from the farms we work with.

13th June 2021 | Bread is Back!

4th June 2021 | Small Food's YQ Journey 
Kimberley Bell reflects on the YQ wheat the Small Food Bakery is growing for a fourth year, since Josiah dropped by with a bag of YQ Flour in 2016.

10th May 2021 | Organic Marrowfat Peas at Little Bytham
Find Guy and John Turners' superb organic marrowfat peas.

11th April 2021 | Emmer Wheat & Fava Sedani Pasta with leeks
Our simple recipe - featuring the incredible pasta! And delicious oil! And while you’re here do have a look at what our friends at Greengrow Coop are up to. They grew the leeks in the post and their small scale agroecological holding producing food, offering training, employment and open to the community is something we need a lot more of. 

2nd April 2021 | Emmer Wheat & Fava Sedani Pasta
Available here!

1st April 2021 | Harvesting a Crop New to the UK
Watch the film below to join Nick and Josiah as they harvest a crop completely new to the UK - a first we hope to be repeating in coming years. As with so much of our work we've looked back at what small scale farmers were growing in the past and figured out how to make it work for a more resilient future. This BBC newsreel from the 1950s taught us a lot, take a look, it's at once charming and informative.

You'll find a share of the new harvest available here.

27th March 2021 | The New Farmer’s Almanac 
Do have a look at the Greenhorns website 

20th March 2021 | Flour by Horsepower 
Two flours by horsepower in a range of sizes available here. Bakers! Do drop us a line for trade prices. This is Higher Biddacott Farm 

17th March 2021 | East Anglian Agroforestry Open Day
If you'd like to visit one or more of 6 fantastic farms who practice agroforestry in our part of the east please download this poster and book a time (1st and 2nd May - but worth booking early). Please don't email or call us - we won't be able to help, you need to speak to the farms.

13th March 2021 | Semolina Pudding
Semolina!  We’ve also got some great suggestions for other uses of semolina from Henrietta Inman.

26th February 2021 | Real Bread Week:
We offer a range of flours as well as seeds, grains and flakes, and salt that are perfect for bread making.

You might like to try a Bakers' Box - for a selection of our most popular ingredients.

Or maybe you'd like to home-mill your own grists? In which case our Mock Mills are the perfect addition to home or professional kitchens.

We've got some great recipes too - including the Small Food Bakery's famous 100% YQ wholemeal formula.

And if baking isn't your thing we can help with that too - we offer loaves made by the Penny Bun Bakehouse for weekly next day despatch.

Please do pop over to the Real Bread Campaign to find our more about their work.

And we can't recommend Vanessa Kimbell highly enough, teacher and inspiration to many now baking real bread here in the UK and around the world. We make and sell her special Botanical Blend as well as her books. But do have a look at the Sourdough School website for instructions and formulas or to join the Sourdough Club or sign up for a course.

10th February 2021 | World Pulses Day:
There are lots of special days, but for us #WorldPulsesDay is particularly special. Established by the United Nations to recognise the importance of pulses, it's a fantastic opportunity to celebrate a humble but extraordinary food - good for us and good for the soil. 

Why not have a bean feast? For World Pulses Day only (10th Feb only) we're offering 25% off our Big Bundle of British Pulses.

All the Peas! Mix #3 what better day to launch our newest blend? Perfect for soups, stews and salads, our take on the classic multi-bean mix. 

Download the FAOs wonderful Pulses: Nutritious Seeds for a Sustainable Future and discover more about these incredible seeds.

Check out Pulse Jenny Chandler's phenomenal book of recipes for inspiration in the kitchen. Or Ken Albala's seminal Pulses: A History for social, cultural and political insights (as well as a few recipes).

And, of course, everyday is Pulse Day at the Bean Store - do have a look at our full collection of British grown pulses - from lentils to fava beans, flours and snacks.

18th January 2021 | Seed Week:
It's #SeedWeek! Do have a look at the Seed Sovereignty website for events, webinars, links to sources of open pollinated seed - and more.

8th January 2021 | Rare Beans
We're so sorry they sold so quickly... there will be more here this autumn. 

13th December 2020 | Christmas Bread Orders
All our breads are here.

12th December 2020 | Peppernuts
Visit our bakery pages to find the Earsham Street pebernødder.

27th November 2020 | Bundles and Boxes
Look no further for the perfect present: Bundles and Boxes

17th November 2020 | Falafel lunch
Lewis Slayden's fantastic plateful of pickles, flatbreads and fava falafels Split fava is the traditional ingredient for Egyptian falafel - or more accurately ta’amia - with recipes like this one.

11th November 2020 | Rare Beans - Coming Soon
All will be revealed... sign up for our newsletter here. 

10th November 2020 | Support The Landworkers' Alliance
You can find the wonderful calendar here. Do also have a look at the brilliant work the LWA are doing:

9th November 2020 | Botanical Blends
You can find Vanessa Kimbell's extraordinary first Botanical Blend (No.2: Meadow) here, along with a selection of her books and a free download explaining how to use the blends. You can watch the Instagram Live where we chat with Vanessa about the blends, their nutritional properties and the philosophy behind them here.

2nd November 2020 | Extra bread!
We’ve added an extra despatch day for bread this week, find all our bakery goods here

31st October 2020 | Too good to carve
Find the fantastic Wakelyns Squash Boxes here, the recipes are here (and are supplied in print with the boxes). Shop for other Wakelyns produce here.

16th October 2020 | They're back! Organic Wakelyns Lentils
Find the Wakelyns Organic Lentils here. There's a little bit about that first lentil harvest in 2017 here. And you'll find the Wakelyns Agroforestry website here.

11th October 2020 | Chickpeas and Carlin Peas
Find our chickpea page here. Carlin peas are available here. We've got some wonderful carlin pea recipes too - find them all here (the cake is amazing!). You might also find this blogpost about carlin peas fascinating. 

11th October 2020 | There is no silver bullet
Find the website version of our post here.  

30th September 2020 | Apple Syrup
Find all the Liberty Fields syrups and apple balsamic vinegars here.